Monday, October 6, 2014, starting at 7:30 PM at Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa.
Cathedral Arts proudly presents KLEZTORY in concert at Ottawa’s historic Christ Church Cathedral.
This exciting concert features KLEZTORY, a rousing klezmer group from Montreal. The group has won numerous awards and has received rave reviews. If you have never experienced klezmer music before, you will be in for an unexpected treat.
Klezmer is a musical tradition which parallels hasidic and ashkenazic judaism. Originating in the villages and ghettos of Eastern Europe, where nomadic Jewish musicians known as “klezmorim” performed at weddings and other celebrations, klezmer music has been played from the early middle ages until the beginning of the twentieth century.
Similar to the music they perform, KLEZTORY is a rich mosaic of cultures (Russian, Canadian, Quebecois and Moldavian) musical training (academic and self taught) and musical tastes (classical, contemporary, jazz, blues, country and folk). Combining their talents, these musicians perform with an emotion and a virtuosity that is the true spirit of klezmer.
KLEZTORY has played in a wide variety of Montreal venues, and has performed over 500 concerts in Canada, USA, Belgium, Romania, Brazil, Mexico, and China.
Date: Monday, October 6, 2014
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Tickets: Adults: $25, Seniors: $20, Students: $12, Families: $60